Monday, September 20, 2010

A MORE ORGANIZED, PRIORITIZED & BALANCED LIFE - By Levonti Ohanisian (reflecting on his Senior Year at Lycee International de Los Angeles)

I heard about Life Revolution through my college counselor. Getting into college is no easy task and I was feeling the intensity of the process. It was gradually becoming more difficult to balance life coherently and appropriately: college applications, high school at its peak, extracurricular activities and social life.

I was a bit hesitant about the "life coaching" idea at first but thought it was worth a try - sure enough, several sessions with an experienced life coach gave me new tools, habits and strategies. All of which enabled my life to become more organized, prioritized and balanced. I gained confidence and grew awareness of my actions and surroundings.

Most teenagers don't have anyone they can speak to with any apparent consequence. They will most likely always act appropriate around a parent and perhaps can't tell certain things to friends due to social implications. For me, my life coach was the one person that I could really talk to. I noticed that this new found freedom in speech allowed me to express some feelings and thoughts that I had never thought of before. I was beginning to know the 'real' me. Once I knew specific things about myself, it allowed me to either enhance or fix them. Our sessions were the center of gravity of my week. During discussions I would realize which direction I was leaning and was able to maintain balance that way.

All of my experiences with Life Revolution have been exceptionally professional and I am pleased to be able to recommend its services. It’s one of the most rewarding investments you’ll ever make!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MY TIME - By Darren Becket (Pepperdine Student)

When LIFE REVOLUTION came to Pepperdine University in the Spring of 2010 I was ecstatic to hear from a professional in the field of life coaching. They did a workshop in my class and we got to experience first hand what a life coach had to offer us, as well as tips to help relieve stress from parts of my life. Part of becoming a life coach means that you need to be coached as well as applying your skills in the field, because understanding what strategies work and those that do not is important when working with clients. After talking with the founder of LIFE REVOLUTION, Clark Souers, I wanted to feel what it was like being a client. At the time I didn’t expect to learn much about myself through a one on one session. I figured that this was a chance for me to learn about a career path that I was interested in.

Needless to say, when Clark and I met for our session I was blown away by what Clark had to say. Just by listening to me talk about the last year of my life Clark was successfully able to give me advice not only about achieving short term goals but making those short term goals long term habits. We called it my “beach mentality.”

After I stopped playing baseball at Pepperdine I found myself picking up every known hobby and business opportunity I could get my hands on, just to fill the free time I now had. I was making commitments to things that I didn’t have time for, and rushing to figure out a viable career path for myself. What I didn’t realize was that I was burning myself out.

After listening to me talk, Clark asked me to think of a moment when time didn’t seem apparent. You know, one of those days where time passes but you had no idea where it went. The first thing that came to mind was beach days with my family. Growing up two miles from the beach we would grab dinner to go, and walk down to the beach. Between digging massive holes in the sand and throwing the Frisbee with my dad time seemed to just fly by, and I could have cared less. That moment was my time.

What I found was that in my rush to find my dream career before I had graduated I had forgotten to enjoy the time in the present. And now, when I feel stressed out from pushing myself to hard, I remember back to those days when time passed freely without me realizing. I call it the “beach mentality.” To help remind myself of this I have a picture of a beach on my computer screen, and I try to spend more time at the beach between classes, because my time is worth every penny.

Friday, May 7, 2010


I believe that a lot of people in today’s modern world suffer from “The On-Time Syndrome” which creates unnecessary stress in their life. This is not a scientific term – so save the Google search. It’s my own little phrase and I think people can develop the syndrome at a young age. Individuals who get overly anxious about always being on time might have the On-Time Syndrome. Concerned that you, a friend or family member might have it? Read on….

As Americans we live in a culture that values being “On Time”. And the consequences of not being on time can be huge.

If you’re a student, there is this annoying bell that broadcasts to the whole school that you are late to class. And schools have these systems to show you that being late is not a good thing – demerits, detentions, strikes (or maybe your school has another snazzy name for their discipline system).

And the consequences don’t end as we enter adulthood. There are whole sections of Employee Handbooks dedicated to “Attendance Policies”. If an employee is continually late it could “result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment”.

But maybe you move up the corporate ladder and don’t have to worry about these policies because you are in charge. So being late is no problem because you’re the Big Boss? Right…Wrong! Try showing up late to a meeting with a potential client who is going to invest big dollars in your company…..the client will probably move on to another company that values their time.

And the importance of being on time does not end in the school and business world. Think about how many flowers are sold in the world every day to guys who need to apologize to their girlfriend or wife for being late….

Now think about how you FEEL when you are running late and worrying about the consequences. Your pulse quickens, your mind races, you start to sweat, the muscles in your neck tense. This is STRESS. And frequent or prolonged stress has tons of negative consequences (

If you get overly anxious about always being on time, I’m sorry to inform you of this… but you might have the On-Time Syndrome!

So how do you overcome this syndrome and enjoy less stress?

• If you are running late and there is nothing you can do about it, take a deep breath and ask yourself if you or the others involved will remember your tardiness 6 months or a year from now. Once you realize that the long-term effects are not huge, you can chill and not get so stress out. If the long-term effects are huge, know that you have the ability to get through the consequences and your life will be ok.

• Have confidence in your abilities to win over the annoyed individual(s) who are waiting for you with your charm and people skills.

• Don’t be an optimist when estimating how much travel time you will need or how much you can fit in. Take a look at your schedule each day and decide which events you can’t be late to – and then leave plenty of time to get to those events. Then take a mental note of the events where people won’t even notice if you are late (you can leave less of a buffer for these events).

• If you’re conscientious about always being on time and it is stressing you out, be late once and while if it will not hinder your success or relationships. If you have the reputation of always being on time, maybe you need to lower both your expectations and the expectations of others. You can actually change your Rep and be more like some of your Type B friends (who everyone loves even if they are late once and a while).

We live in a competitive world where there is not enough time in the day to get everything done that we need to (let alone what we want to) – which can result in us running late. But as stated above we also live in a country where being on time is important in our school, social and business environments. And some of us are more inclined to be conscientious about being on time than others. These 3 factors create a collision course for the On-Time Syndrome and the stress is not worth it. So I encourage you to find a balance between being punctual and not stressing out by following the advice above.

If you are a teenager or college student and want to avoid ever coming down with the On-Time Syndrome, I encourage you to connect with a LIFE REVOLUTION Coach. He or she can assist you with developing some time management strategies that can help you naturally be on time, more of the time.

Clark Souers

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